3 January 1919 year in Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk) Ukrainian National Council (In UNR) West Ukrainian National Republic (ZUNR) made a decision at its meeting (voted for the resolution) "On the merger of ZUNR with UNR". It was a historic decision, which launched the process of uniting two Ukrainian states into a single state, and therefore the Councils of all Ukrainian lands and the entire Ukrainian people.

Resolution on the merger of ZUNR and UNR in Stanislav and the representation of Transcarpathia

To represent the interests of Transcarpathia (then of Hungarian Rus') at that important historical and solemn meeting of the UNRada of the ZUNR by Mykhailo Brashchaik (a well-known public and political figure of Transcarpathia in the interwar period) was proposed to the head of the Ukrainian People's Council in Yasiny, Stepan Klochuryak. By its decision, the latter delegated the authority to represent the interests of the region at the aforementioned meeting in Stanislav, except S. Klochuryak and Yevhen Puzo, Transcarpathian, which in 1919 – 1920 years he was a member of the military leadership of the Ukrainian Galician Army (LISTEN) in the rank of chieftain (major) LISTEN, was a liturgical referent at the Main Team, and Ivan Klympush.

At the meeting, the Chairman of the UNRada, Dr. Yevhen Petrushevich, congratulated the delegation of the Transcarpathian (Hungarian) Ukrainians and gave the floor for the speech of S. Klochuryaku, who revealed the disappointing situation in Transcarpathia, briefly made a historical excursion and announced the wrongs inflicted on the people by the Hungarian crown, announced the re-occupation of the region by Hungarian troops with the aim of holding it, declared the firm will of Transcarpathians to unite with their brothers in a single Ukrainian family.

The speech was justified, stick, emotional. Separate extracts, which testify to the maturity of the national-political thinking of the Naved: "I'm happy, what to me, representative of the young generation, it was a great honor, on behalf of the Hungarian Ukrainians, I can convey to you their firm will, to annex land to Ukraine, on which they have lived since time immemorial, as an integral part of Ukraine... At the same time, I ask the fraternal delegation from Kyiv to forward our statement to the Ukrainian government in Kyiv, so that he will help us free ourselves from someone else's yoke.". He ended his speech with a fervent appeal: "May the unity and indivisibility of the entire Ukrainian people live forever. Long live free Ukraine". This speech caused great elation. As S. writes in his memoirs. Klochuryak, "Chairman of the National Council, Dr. Ye. Petrushevich hugged me, like a father, shaking my hand, and the mighty "Glory" rang out in the hall!" and "Long live cathedral Ukraine".

But no less important were the personal audiences of the Transcarpathian delegation with the leaders of ZUNR and UGA, in particular, with the head of the UN Council Ye. Petrushevich, State Secretary of National Defense (military affairs) ZUNR colonel D. Vitovsky, and they gave – with the district commandant in Kolomyia V. Bemcom. Stepan Klochuryak asked the ZUNR leadership for military aid for the uprising against Magyarshchyna in Transcarpathia, which was planned to start with Yasin. The result of these meetings was that, that the ZUNR authorities cannot openly support this uprising and provide military aid, because she herself is waging a difficult war with Poland and every soldier is invaluable to her. And through Hungary, it itself buys weapons and ammunition and does not want to aggravate relations with it.

But an alternative option was found. Dr. V. Bemko promised to provide minor assistance by senior officers, which the Yasinians lacked, and some shooters. And indeed, first aid arrived 7 January and consisted only of 3 foreman, 6 sub-chief and 14 shooters. The condition of providing assistance was strict secrecy. Все керівництво і відповідальність за хід повстання бере на себе Українська Народна Рада в Ясінях. А кожен вояк західноукраїнської армії, якого вишле Коломия до Ясіня, заявив В. Бемко, їде туди на свою власну відповідальність. It was noted, що військо має складатися із місцевих людей. Саме тоді було вирішено іменувати організоване повстанське військо «Гуцульською народною обороною», а далі звільнену територію від угорських військ та влади і організовану українську владу «Гуцульською Республікою», щоб приховати зв’язок та допомогу ЗУНР.

Загалом Ясінське повстання та організована влада в Рахівщині на звільненій від угорських військ території у 1919 year, що отримала назвуГуцульська Республіка, не була якимось локальним повстанням, а явищем всеукраїнського національно-визвольного соборницького руху. Гуцульська Республіка була втіленням української державності на місцевому рівні. Тому в жодному випадку не можна трактувати її як якесь етно гуцулів і, тим самим, применшувати його історичне значення. Її провідники були людьми, що мислили українськими національними політичними категоріями. Їх дії були українським національним чином. Яскравим доказом цього є їх заявлена позиція на засіданні УНРади ЗУНР у Станіславі.

А далі ясінянці Степан Клочуряк, брати Климпуші, Дмитро Німчук зайняли чільне місце в українському національному русі Чехословацької доби та Карпатської України.

Степану Клочуряк

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