Category: news


"Side by side of the All-Ukrainian School Leagues"-there is a competition on volleyball among young men 10-11 classes 12 December at the Rakhiv Institution of General Secondary Education I-III degrees №2 of Rakhiv City Council continued competitions of teams of volleyball among boys. In general, school competitions have taken 6 Community educational institutions. According to the results of the saturated...


Noisy and humorously to the obedient children of education institutions of the Rakhiv Territorial Community came to St. Nicholas. Children plunged into a charming atmosphere, They remembered the story of St. Nicholas's life and how the holiday appeared, Traditions of celebration, all your good deeds, listened to wonderful Christmas tunes, who gave a sense of comfort and home, created an atmosphere of good and friendship. It helped...


"Side by side of the All-Ukrainian School Leagues"-there is a competition on volleyball among young men 5-9 classes 5 December at the Rakhiv Institution of General Secondary Education I-III degrees №2 of Rakhiv City Council continued competitions of teams of volleyball among boys. In general, school competitions have taken 5 Community educational institutions. According to the results of the saturated...


Найбільше щастяце дитяча усмішка, а сьогодні у Рахівському будинку культури їхніх усмішок, щирості, радості та захвату було дуже багато. До наших діток з мега крутою розважально-ігровою програмою завітали Ельза, Анна та Олаф Спільно з Rotary Club Rakhiv та Рахівським будинком культури вдалося створили для дітлахів незабутню казкову атмосферу...


28 November 2024 year in the greenhouse of the Rakhiv building of culture as part of the Spartakiad among school youth of the Rakhiv territorial community in 2024-2025 NR. І семестр пройшли ЗМАГАННЯ З ШАХІВ. ТУРНІРНА ТАБЛИЦЯ ЗМАГАНЬ ВИГЛЯДАЄ ТАК: І місце – Рахівський ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ступенів №1 Рахівської міської ради ІІ місце – Рахівський ЗЗСО І-ІІІ...


"Side by side all-Ukrainian school leagues" – girls' volleyball competition continues

21 листопада на базі закладу загальної середньої освіти І-ІІІ ступенів №2 Рахівської міської ради тривали змагання збірних команд з волейболу серед дівчат. In general, school competitions have taken 7 Community educational institutions. За підсумками насиченої і активної спортивної гри, маємо такі результати: І місце – Рахівський ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ступенів...


The Ukrainian Youth Fund launches the platform "Network of Surveys in the Field of Youth Policy". The initiative is aimed at unifying the efforts of specialists, researchers and those, who actively works with sociological research, surveys or analytical data in the field of youth policy, and creates opportunities for youth in Ukraine, based on quality and verified data. There will be a platform...


14 November 2024 year in the greenhouse of the Rakhiv building of culture as part of the Spartakiad among school youth of the Rakhiv territorial community in 2024-2025 NR. Checkers competitions were held in the semester. THE TOURNAMENT TABLE OF CHECKERS COMPETITIONS LOOKS LIKE THIS: 1st place - Dilovetsky ZZSO of the I-III degrees of the Rakhiv city council; 2nd place - Rakhiv ZZSO...


9 November - All-Ukrainian Day of Culture Workers and Masters of Folk Art

Dear cultural workers, We sincerely congratulate everyone on the professional holiday, who, following the calling of his heart, devoted his life to a noble cause! Your work is always visible: You create a holiday for people and give them the joy of communication, bring culture to every heart and every soul, you help the younger generation to join the true roots of Ukrainian culture. A song from time immemorial...


7 On November 1, in the Rakhiv territorial community on the basis of Rakhiv ZZSO I-III degrees No. 1, the opening of the II stage of the project "SHOULDER-TO-SHOULDER ALL-UKRAINIAN SCHOOL LEAGUES" was held among students of general secondary education institutions of the Rakhiv territorial community of the season 2024/2025. This is a competition among students under the slogan "Together we will win", which are held for the second year in a row. Home...