16 May, we celebrate World Embroidery Day.
🔹Embroidery is a kind of genetic code of the Ukrainian nation, which unites us every year with new strength. Every embroidered shirt worn today is a proof of our identity.
🔸On the occasion of the holiday, an exhibition of the works of decorative and applied arts masters and performances by amateur artistic groups of our OTG took place in our city.🇺🇦
🔹Variety, the brightness and originality of the presented works impressed all observers of the exhibition.
🔸A concert program was presented:
* Choreographic collective "Zhereltse" (manager Myroslav ŠEMOTA) ;
* Vocal ensemble of the Rakhiv House of Culture (manager Ivan MYSYNCHUK);
* People's amateur band "Krai" (manager Ivan MYSYNCHUK)
* Oleksandra Shmilyak recited poetry;
* Host of the event – Olga Slyusarchuk
🔹Thanks to the ZSU and everyone, who protects our citizens and thank you for the opportunity to wear embroidered shirts in Ukraine today. We are proud of our defenders; for strength and honor, which they show to the world.

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