Department of Education, culture, youth and sports of Rakhiv city council


Маємо чудову новину – 28 лютого до нашого міста завітає Львівський обласний музично-драматичний театр ім. Yu. Дрогобича! У репертуарі талановитих артистів будуть три вистави: * «ФІЗКУЛЬТУРА ДЛЯ БАБИ ЯГИ»дитяча. beginning at 10.00. Вартість квитка грн. * «УКРАДЕНЕ ЩАСТЯ»старший шкільний вік. beginning at 13.00. Вартість квитка грн....


15 In February, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the participants in hostilities on the territory of other states. On this sad day, we bow our heads to the warriors, who gave their lives while performing military duty. Today, the leaders of the Rakhiv territorial community, veterans, the clergy and the public honored the memory of the fallen soldiers and laid flowers at the monument to the fallen Afghan soldiers....


Public discussion of the project: "On the approval of a promising network of general secondary education institutions of the Rakhiv Territorial Community on 2024 -2027 years"

Public discussion of the project: "On the approval of a promising network of general secondary education institutions of the Rakhiv Territorial Community on 2024 -2027 years" In accordance with the requirements of the article 32 the Law of Ukraine "On Comprehensive General Secondary Education" and other legislative and regulatory acts; in connection with the reform of the education system in Ukraine, transition to 12 annual...


3 January 1919 year in Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk) Ukrainian National Council (In UNR) West Ukrainian National Republic (ZUNR) made a decision at its meeting (voted for the resolution) "On the merger of ZUNR with UNR". It was a historic decision, which launched the process of uniting two Ukrainian states into a single state, and therefore the Councils of all Ukrainian lands...


Today in the Department of Education, culture, youth and sports of the Rakhiv City Council, a CHRISTMAS CAROL was heard from the students of the Bilinsky institution of general secondary education, grades I-III, of the Rakhiv City Council. Girls and boys in festive and traditional outfits, with a twinkle in his eye, performed carols,generous, sowing, wishing you all the best in the new year. Today's carols are surprising...


We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas! Let the glow of the Christmas star bring harmony to every home, well-being and comfort. We wish, may this bright holiday be warmed by soul warmth and love. May peace settle in your soul forever, happiness and kindness, Your home will be full of love, relatives and friends will be there...



In the Rakhiv public library today, 19 December, a literary and artistic evening was held in memory of a well-known writer in Rakhiv Oblast and Transcarpathia in general, journalist, folklorist, local historian, public and political figure VASYL OLEKSIYOVYCH PIPASH (literary pseudonym – Vasyl Pipash-Kosivskyi). The organizer of the event was the daughter of the late Vasyl Oleksiiovych Pipash, Natalia Vasylivna Pipash, and the Rakhiv Public Library. They were present in the evening...


Rakhiv Public Library invites you to a literary portrait “Vasyl Pipish-Kosivskyi – the son of the blue-eyed Hutsulshchyna”, dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the birth of the poet and publicist 19 December 13.00 year.


According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 21 July 2003 , the number 486 "About the system of organization of physical culture and health and sports work in preschools, secondary, vocational and technical and extracurricular educational institutions", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 07 October 2003 year from no 903/8224, with the aim of introducing physical culture and sports in...