We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Another year of hard work is passing, creative search and responsibility. We moved forward together, together they overcame challenges and opened new perspectives and opportunities, gained professional and life experience. We have already done a lot, but we still have many hopes and plans, which must be implemented for the sake of our children, future generations.

What the coming year will be like depends largely on ourselves.

In the new year we wish you to meet like-minded people at all the crossroads of destiny, be healthy, purposeful, to carry hope, consolation, believe in your own strength. In this way, let the Christmas star give us confidence, maintain health and strengthen faith, допоможе реалізувати надії і здійснить мрії. Нехай прийдешній рік принесе добробут і злагоду в кожну сім’ю, long-awaited peace to our country!

May the Holy Evening fill your homes with the Lord's grace, love and faith in the best.

Happiness and health, peace of mind and joy to you in 2022 year!

Sincerely, Chief

education department, culture, молоді та спорту Наталія ДРЕБОТА

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